Basic info




  • What? Workshop
  • When? 7 Dec 2022; 9:00-18:00
  • Where? Jura Soyfer Saal, Hofburg
  • Registration: closed
  • Organizers: Hannes Fellner and Andreas Baumann


09:00 Introduction
09:30 Keynote: Nathan W. Hill & James Engels Modeling the contribution of a phonological hypothesis: Using graph theory to compare two Old Chinese reconstruction systems
10:30 Johanna Fanta-Jende & Markus Pluschkovits DiÖ - A corpus on language variation and language contact in Austria
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Claudia Resch & Nina C. Rastinger Whatʼs in the news? A corpus of historical newspapers under investigation
12:00 Igor Yanovich Posterior predictive checking for the models of language diversification
12:30 Theresa Matzinger & Irene Böhm Digital explorations of the emergence of Middle English sound patterns
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Tanja Wissik The ParlaMint-AT corpus: An annotated corpus of the shorthand records of the Austrian National Council as part of comparable parliamentary corpora
14:30 Tara Andrews Not just Stemmatology anymore: Creating a full critical edition with the StemmaREST graph model
15:00 Stefan Hagel A digital edition of ancient musical documents: Challenges and chances
15:30 Jeremy Bradley Digital infrastructures for low-resource languages: The case of Uralic
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Renato Rocha Souza Crafting a system for knowledge discovery and organisation: A case-study on KOS for a non-standard German legacy dataset
17:00 Amelie Dorn Exploring lexical variation digitally – applications and examples of German in Austria
17:30 Lukas Thoma Large pre-trained deep learning language models are capable of computing abstract sameness relations
18:00 Discussion & closing